Bookings & Reservations

Digital Library

Files and Media

Use this application to crop, resize or rotate images uploaded from the library.Media like pdf, doc, excel, image or other files stored in the system can be viewed.

Content Items

A "Content Item" is simply a file or selection of files that are grouped together and given a name and a description. You can think of content items as an all purpose digital library. Content items can be "tagged" according to a variety of user-defined as well as universal categories (Metta Categories). Tagging dictates where Content Items should display; tagging also helps users when searching for specific Content Items or types of Content Items.

Content Items are grouped together in order to be displayed as some type of presentation e.g. a news article, a blog post, a slide show, part-of or a whole web page, a film or animation, a bulk-email, a printed brochure, etc.

Some Examples of Content Items :

  1. A blog or news article may consist of text (HTML), several jpegs (Photos), a flash movie & a PDF.
  2. An "About" page may consist of a body of text, 6 PDFs & a flash animation.
  3. A basic website "Homepage" may contain some text (HTML) and a large jpeg.
  4. A bulk-email may consist of three Content Items chosen for distribution to multiple recipients.
  5. A photo on a photographers website may consist of a smaller photo (thumbnail) and a larger photo (pop-up) as well as a very large image (Hi-Res) for printing; as well as captions for each.

Adding a Content Item

  1. Click on "Content Management" on the main menu.
  2. Click on "Content Library" on the menu.
  3. Click on the large green "Add a new content item" button on the left hand side of the screen.
  4. Type in the text you wish to add or upload a file.
  5. Click the large teal "Save content item" on the right hand side of the screen when you are done.

Viewing and editing content items

  1. Click on "Content Management" on the main menu.
  2. Click on "Content Library" on the main menu.

  3. This is a list of all items in your content library. Search for an item by using the search bar on the top right hand side or browse the pages by clicking on the numbers on the bottom right hand side. You can also use the icons at the top of the page to filter content items by their content type. Click on an individual item in order to view or edit it. PDF, doc, excel, image or other file types can be added to the items. The "Content Library" replaces the core functionality of services like "Dropbox".

Item Categories

Use this application to classify items in you content library. You can view and edit item categories as well as add new ones. Click the large green "Add new category" button to add a new one. You can also give item categories an icon and box colour.